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The Royal Harbour


IB Mathematics

A IBDP Course

Vision Statement

The maths department's vision is to motivate, inspire and guide pupils to build and discover mathematical knowledge. In doing so, embedding that knowledge in order to ensure it may be applied fluently to all aspects of learning for life. We strive to encourage pupils to become independent and ambitious towards their learning and employment.
We work hard to ensure that the maths taught offers a differentiated scheme of work ensuring that there is sufficient depth for all levels and abilities. By generating interest in the application of the skills, we generate interest in maths as a subject itself. It is crucial that maths is enjoyable and not taught through gimmicks but taught by helping our pupils find enjoyment in their own success and learning.By combining little wins and long term goals to drive pupils to strive to succeed. Helping pupils to understand the grades needed to get on to the IB course and A-Level maths courses at other Sixth Forms.
As a maths department we are passionate about maths and we ensure we teach our pupils to be resilient learners who can become life-long mathematicians with the aim that they can thrive in their GCSE and open many doors to a very bright future.
We have an ethos that no answer is a silly answer and if an answer is wrong we explore together to find the right answer together.
We believe every pupil can succeed in Maths.


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Middle Years Programme

Curriculum Overview

Year 12 offers an extension of the Higher GCSE, focusing on the application of geometry, statistics and probability. During this year we also explore ideas around a project. His is an individual assignment linking an individuals interests to maths. All students are provided with a CG50, a graphical calculator that will remain with them for the entirety of the course and the exams.
In Year 13 students are exposed to the wonders of calculus, learning about differentiation and integration. Before moving onto new topics such as Voronoi diagrams and logarithms.
All work is built upon prior learning, regularly retrieved and assessed.
The examination consists of 2 calculator exams worth 40% each and an individual project with 20%.

Cultural Capital

Maths is all around us; it underpins much of our daily lives and our future, both as individuals and collectively. Mathematical understanding is critical to our children's future. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology, engineering, financial literacy and most forms of employment.
As a department, we believe that cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge and skills that a student can utilise in life beyond school to demonstrate their cultural awareness and to achieve personal success in society and their chosen careers. We agree that cultural capital empowers students, raises their aspirations and prepares them for an exciting future. We are committed to enhancing our students’ cultural capital and strive to introduce all students to rich and sustained opportunities and experiences that develop the whole child. Our department believes that a high quality education comes from pupils enjoying maths by ensuring that we enrich the curriculum with trips and guest speakers.

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