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Connection Guide
To ensure that our students are able to work from home, we have put together a page that will help everyone to connect.
Here at The Royal Harbour Academy we use a single sign on service called RM Unify so that it makes it very easy for you to login through lots of different devices. With the wide range of devices out there, it is impossible to create a guide that will cover each one, however below outlines most of the popular devices that will be used.
For any further information please do not hesitate to contact the school and we will be able to help you connect from home.
1. Sign into the school system by following the link:
2. Enter your login details as you would with any school computer
3. In the centre of the screen click on Google Classroom
If you are using a Chromebook, either from the school or your own, you should log out of the existing user and add your school account directly to the laptop.
1. Click on the clock in the bottom right of the screen and then click on Sign Out
2. On the log in screen, click the "Add Person" button
3. Enter your normal school username followed by
4. Enter your normal school password
5. When you use this account it will automatically sign in to RM-Unify and give one click access to Satchel and Google Classroom etc.

Windows & Tablets

Games Consoles


Modern games consoles have an internet browser built in, and it should be possible to view the live lessons using them. Please note these are broad instructions and we have been unable to test on every console available.
1. Open the internet browser on your console. It maybe be listed under Apps or Library, or found on the main menu.
2. Enter /a/ in the address bar.
3. Enter your normal school username followed by
4. Enter your normal school password
5. Navigate to the appropriate lesson and click on the Google Meet Link.