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Key Information
Contact Us
Mr S Pullen
Mr R Sancto
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr P Sexton
Community Engagement Officer
Mrs L Groombridge
Family Liaison Officer
Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, call us on 0800 1111, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.
Educate against hate
The purpose of this website is to provide practical advice, support and resources to protect children from extremism and radicalisation.
Family Lives
Family Lives is a charity with over three decades of experience helping parents to deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life.
Kent Youth & Child Health
Kent Youth Health is a service provided by the NHS covering a range of issues that may affect young adults.
Schools in Mind
Schools in Mind is a free network for school staff and allied professionals which shares practical, academic and clinical expertise regarding the wellbeing and mental health issues that affect schools.
We're Mind
We're Mind, the mental health charity. We're here to make sure no one has to face a mental health problem alone.
Safeguarding & Welfare
The Royal Harbour Academy fully recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding and child protection. It is understood that safeguarding is broader than child protection, and includes protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development, ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children who live in Kent. To do this, we endeavour to provide help and support in the best ways possible to meet their needs.
The Royal Harbour Academy has an open door policy for support to Parents Carers and Students who are seeking support with help of our internal and external partner providers.
Keeping Children Safe in Education
The Safeguarding Team
Online Safety - in today's world it is increasingly important to keep yourself safe online. We've put together these resources to make it easier for you to understand what to do, and where to go.
Importantly, if you have any concerns at all, report it to someone, whether that's us at the school, your parents or straight to CEOP. Never feel any problem is too small to be reported, if something is bothering you, please let someone know!
The care and concern that staff demonstrate for students day in, day out. Pupils speak extremely positively about the way there is always someone looking out for them. This helps them to feel safe.
CEOP is a website run by the UK Police Force. It has a number of tools to help you make a report of online abuse and problems.
Parent Zone are the experts in digital family life. We provide support and information to parents, children and schools, working globally to help families to navigate the internet safely and confidently. We work with parents, schools, governments and businesses to study, understand and address the impact of emerging technologies on young people.
Parent Zone
Online Safety
Pupils are confident that staff will listen to them and take them seriously if they have any worries. They learn about how to identify risk and keep themselves safe, including online and in the local community.
Safeguarding Links
Here we have collated resources aimed at students, parents and carers.
Importantly, if you have any concerns at all, report it to someone, whether that's us at the school, your parents or straight to CEOP. Never feel any problem is too small to be reported, if something is bothering you, please let someone know!