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Pupils also enjoy the wide range of extra-curricular activities and work-related learning provided.
Here at The Royal Harbour Academy we are pleased to offer the Duke of Edinburgh award.
We offer both the BRONZE award and the SILVER award for our Year 9 and Year 12 students respectively.
Whilst completing the DofE award, participants will complete sections based on VOLUNTEERING, PHYSICAL and SKILLS. They will then conduct a EXPEDITION which will include an overnight stay minimum.
Why do the DofE?
Achieving an Award will give you skills, confidence and an edge over others when you apply for college, university or a job. Beyond your academic achievements, universities want to see evidence of so called ‘soft skills’ that you have developed through extra-curricular activities, such as communication, commitment, leadership and teamwork. Your DofE Award is a fantastic way to demonstrate and evidence these skills in practice.
You’ll also make a difference to other people’s lives and your community, be fitter and healthier, make new friends and have memories to last you a lifetime.
The DofE award is a registered charity, funded by donations and the charity works across the UK to increase opportunities for young people to gain the benefits of doing their DofE.

Duke of Edinburgh

Our school is working towards achieving an Artsmark award.
Artsmark is the only creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by Arts Council England and means we are developing and celebrating our commitment to arts and cultural education.
Artsmark covers both the visual arts (for example art, photography, graphic design, textiles, 3D art/sculpture, digital design, illustration, architecture) and performing arts (for example drama, music, dance and creative media). It also represents other forms of creativity such as creative writing and learning about other cultures. The Artsmark award additionally takes into consideration all the work students do for RSC and the DofE award.
Discover more:

Love Reading
Royal Harbour Academy are excited to join with LoveReading4Schools to offer our students an invaluable opportunity to explore the wonderful world of literature. Pupils can login and find hundreds of high-quality extracts along with recommendations and competitions. Staff will be using the site in our Tutor Time Tales slots as well as to find examples of texts appropriate to their subjects. We are encouraging our families to log on and have a look at the website - please let us know what you think.
The information below is a brief overview from LoveReading4Schools and here at RHA we are very much on board with sharing the book love and enriching our students' understanding and experiences of literature.
LoveReading4Schools helps thousands of schools across the country keep-up-to-date with the best books available to encourage a reading for pleasure culture in their schools and create lifelong readers in their students.

Enrichment Overview
Here at the Royal Harbour Academy, we understand the importance of explorative learning and culturally enriching the lives of our students. We aspire to extend student’s learning through new experiences and opportunities. We want to provide a rounded, culturally rich education that they will remember for a lifetime.
We offer clubs that run at many points during the school day, from before school, break and lunch time clubs to clubs that are available after the school day has ended. We offer a wide range from cooking, judo, drama or even more modern e-sports clubs. Whatever your interest or passion, there will be a club for you.
As well as our school clubs, we also are heavily involved in national activities. We actively take part in events such as World Book Day, Online Safety and many more.
The Royal Harbour Academy is pleased to be involved in The Duke of Edinburgh Award, Artsmark and reading initiatives such as LoveReadingForSchools.

Enrichment News
Why Artsmark?
--> To build our young people’s confidence, character and resilience through arts and cultural education
--> To embed creativity across our whole curriculum and use it to address school improvement priorities
--> To celebrate our long-term commitment to cultural education with pupils, parents and our local community
What does this mean for Royal Harbour students?
--> Development of their visual literacy, cultural capital, creative skills and opportunities to learn beyond the curriculum
--> Opportunity for all of our Year 9 students to work towards a Silver Arts Award level 2 qualification
--> A commitment school wide to enhance teaching and learning through the arts
--> Links with real life practitioners, arts universities plus community and global connections and projects.
--> Building of confidence and self esteem through the arts
--> Enhanced knowledge of creative careers and opportunities beyond school
--> Arts activities to support mental health and well-being alongside other PSHE topics
--> A stronger student voice
--> Recognition and celebration of their hard work and achievements in the arts
Providing reading recommendations right across the year groups and key stages, as well as highlighting books in key curriculum areas, LoveReading4Schools and sister website LoveReading4Kids gives the tools, advice and recommendations for even the most reluctant of readers to find their next favourite book.
Our passion for children’s books ranges from toddlers to teens and ensures that whatever the age, whatever the interest, that there is a steady stream of brilliant book recommendations for every child.
Our mission is to share book love...