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Year 10 & 11
GCSE study begins in Year 10 with students studying towards a minimum of 8 GCSEs after they have selected their options in Year 9. Cultural Capital continues to play a key part in our KS4 experience to ensure that students have access to an enriched and exciting curriculum that includes trips, working with external businesses and exploratory learning such as experiments and field studies. We know that students do better if they enjoy and are passionate about the subject they study.
Literacy remains a focus with the Talk for Writing strategy embedded in the appropriate subjects whereby essay writing is an essential component. Students will have specific career sessions so that they all have a clear pathway by Year 11 for their post 16 destination whether that be sixth form, college or an apprenticeship. Predicted GCSE grades are used in reporting progress and several parent evenings and support events are set up to ensure every student knows what they need to do to be successful.
Additional revision and support classes are also held before and after school at various times of the year to provide more specialist teaching time for particular subjects as appropriate. It is an exciting and challenging curriculum that is offered at RHA and our students make great progress leading to secure education, training and employment.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum
Our aim is that all students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their public examinations, but more importantly, develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them in order to prepare them for opportunities in later life.
In Years 10 and 11, all students study Maths, English Literature, English Language and Combined Science Trilogy and one EBacc subject, plus three options from a broad range of 11 subjects. In addition, all students also study a Core PE and Citizenship programme. We strongly recommend that students study a Modern Foreign Language and Geography or History to ensure broad and balanced option choices that follow the English Baccalaureate. Throughout, students will receive help and advice concerning the opportunities available to them post-16. We have high aspirations and expectations for all students and we will make appropriate and reasonable provision for an individual’s needs within the resources available.