We are delighted to share with you that a group of our Sixth Form students participated in the ‘Safety in Action’ week, organised by SALUS, which took place at Dreamland, Margate earlier this month. The event provided an excellent opportunity for our students to develop their knowledge and skills in first aid and health and safety.
On the first day, students completed training in First Aid and Health and Safety, and following this, they took part in work experience at the Safety in Action Primary School Event. Our students were involved in supporting and leading workshops at different stations, such as CPR, fire safety, and the power of attendance. They engaged with the primary school pupils exceptionally well and interacted with them in a positive and engaging manner. This opportunity was an excellent platform for our students to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical setting and to develop their communication and teamwork skills.
This work will count towards their service learning hours, which are required as part of the IBCP Programme they are studying at RHA. We are proud of our students for their dedication, hard work, and enthusiasm during the event, and we are sure that they will have learned valuable skills that they can apply throughout their academic and personal lives.
If you are interested in learning more about the Safety in Action event, please visit the SALUS website athttps://salusgroup.org.uk/service/safety-in-action/.
