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We use a graduated approach to ensure that every pupil receives the very best in quality first teaching. Our curriculum has been designed to be highly inclusive and built on strong relationships with a focus on developing literacy and numeracy skills. For those pupils who need additional support we offer a comprehensive range of interventions, delivered by highly skilled staff. For those pupils with the highest level of need we have strong links with agencies and specialists who provide us with expert advice and guidance.
If you have any complaints about SEN support provided by the school, please follow our general complaints procedure
SENCO: Mr Kristian Lasslett
Deputy SENCO: Ms Julia Duncan
For all enquiries please contact the SEN Team:
01843 572500

Special Educational Needs
Here is Kent County Council's local offer for people in the community.
This is their SEND information hub, to help and support.
Kent County Council

Statutory Information & Policies
The Royal Harbour Academy is a proud community built upon success, high aspirations and a global outlook. On the right are some links to view all our documents and policies. If you require any further assistance or information please see our enquires page here.
Here at The Royal Harbour Academy we are proud of our Special Educational Needs programme and our focus on Pupil Premium. Please see below for more information.

Pupil Premium
The pupil premium is a grant given by the government to schools in England to decrease the attainment gap for the most disadvantaged children. At The Royal Harbour Academy we have 508 pupil premium students and the intervention created as a result of this significantly improves all student outcomes and drives up expectations and standards.
One of the biggest factors affecting student outcomes is low levels of literacy and this has a huge impact across every subject. Our intent is for all students to meet national or above national standards in reading and writing by the end of Year 8. We are meeting our intent with whole school literacy strategies including Talk for Writing, Bedrock and Guided Reading to name but a few. The curriculum in Year 7 & 8 makes a significant difference whereby literacy is carefully embedded in the curriculum across all subjects so that it is overtly taught alongside specialisms. Progress is tracked through a range of nationally standardised assessments throughout the year providing data for curriculum review and bespoke student interventions.
Our intent is that all pupil premium students are culturally enriched, have the very best teaching with high aspirations and they develop the confidence to succeed and achieve their full potential at GCSE and IB level.