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GCSE Health & Social Care
"If you ruin your body, where will you live?" - Unknown
Vision Statement
Health & Social Care at KS4 aims to give students the skills needed to progress to a successful career in any health or social care industry. Students are introduced to a range of different careers to help them make informed decisions about their future study and career pathways.
Curriculum Overview
In Year 10 you will learn all of the information you need to produce your 3 coursework portfolios. You will
aim to complete units 1 and 2 in Year 10.
In Year 11 you will complete your unit 3 coursework portfolio. You will then prepare and revise for a 1 �
hour exam in February. You will have the chance to resit this exam in May if you wish to aim for a higher
Cultural Capital
Throughout the course students will learn about a range of careers within the health and social care sectors. They will learn about the skills and attributes needed in order to be successful in these careers. Students will look at ways in which health and social care is provided in a range of different cultures. There are opportunities to gain an insight into how human growth and development is affected by a variety of social factors such as living in poverty versus growing up with adequate finances. Students will be introduced to a range of 'real life' stories and case studies to consolidate their understanding.