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The Royal Harbour


Faraday Challenge 2023

A group of students from the Royal Harbour Academy, Lower Site, took part in the Faraday Challenge at King Ethelbert School last week. The trip was a huge success, with a team from the Royal Harbour Academy winning the competition on the day!

The students spent the day designing, engineering and building a prototype to aid the future use of drones. One group built a moisture sensor to detect moisture in the drone and added a fan to try to protect the contents of the drone.

The winning group designed and built a rover type vehicle that can access remote areas during disasters, this vehicle could deliver medical resources to affected areas.

Both groups worked extremely well as a team and utilised their MYP attributes, including communicating by presenting to the rest of the teams, principled by sticking to strict timings of the day, and reflective by stating what they would do differently if they had more time or resources.


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