On 3rd July, six Year 12 students delivered a Japanese and Culture lesson for Year 8. The Year 12 students were amazing, teaching Japanese basic phrases, numbers, some adjectives, food and origami. Year 8s really enjoyed the lesson and we are proud of everyone involved.
Here are some accounts for the students who delivered the sessions:
Mia- On Monday 3rd July, I participated in a one hour teaching session of Japanese for a group of Year 8s. I spent the hour teaching small groups of students the different words for colours in Japanese, as well as helping them create a variety of origami animals and shapes. It was a very interactive experience and allowed me to guide the students as a group, but also talk to them one on one about their interests. Overall, I think it was a very rewarding experience as I got to meet a lot of younger students and hopefully help them become interested in Japanese culture. I enjoyed being able to speak to the students about things like anime, Japanese music and any interesting facts that they already knew about Japan. I would definitely do it again and would recommend the experience to other students.
Melis- My session was on Japanese foods and restaurants. I found it very efficient because I got to practise my social and communication skills. I think the students liked it a lot as it gave them a different view of what foods are popular in Japanese culture. It was also good to see how much they already knew about things like sushi and noodles. I think this was a great experience for us and the Year 8s.
Sophie- Myself and 5 other sixth form students travelled to the Lower Site of the Royal Harbour Academy to teach a Year 8 class a Japanese lesson, to learn many facts about Japan such as their culture, language and much more. For my section of the Japanese lesson, I taught the children facts and information about J-Pop and Japanese adjectives which resonate with how people may feel about the J-Pop culture. Throughout the entire hour, the class seemed extremely interactive and involved and it’s impressive to see how the majority had a wide range of knowledge about Japan without studying the course. Within my topic, the groups were taught various Japanese adjectives and information about J-Pop and towards the end of the lesson, they all listened to J-Pop music, which they enjoyed.
Jay- I taught Japanese numbers from 1-10 as well as the characters for each of the numbers. I think it went very well as the Year 8 students I taught could identify all of the Japanese characters. I enjoyed going through the numbers and explaining the easiest ways to identify the number by looking at the characters. The students got very energetic and I think they enjoyed learning about it.
