On Friday the 13th May 2022 we had Bronze medalist Marilyn Okoro attend our school to discuss her journey and promote athletics and the importance of movement within our lifestyles.
Marilyn received the bronze medal in the Beijing 2008 Olympics for her part in the 4x400 m relay team, but was raised in the rough parts of north east London with very little prospects. Hard work and determination was her key to success.
Not only did Marilyn work with our ACE students she also ran a small session within the year 9s PE lessons which the students got involved in and responded amazingly.
Overall a really good, positive visit and we hope to see Marilyn back in the near future.
The visit was organised by William Lee from Sports Connect. They are a group that do wonderful things with the children in the community. Check out their Facebook page Sports Connect. https://www.facebook.com/SportsConnectUK/