On Monday the 13th March a group of Year 10 students, who have been taking part in a pilot scheme in conjunction with UCA and Kent University, were invited to visit the campuses in Canterbury.
The students arrived at Kent University, where they were greeted by lecturers who have been visiting them and delivering sessions in school. They also met student ambassadors from Kent University.
The students were given a tour of the University Campus, taking in an art exhibition created by university students from across the country. The exhibition consisted of photographs, each with the story of the photographer to accompany it. The students were reflective and commented on the photography, how beautiful some of the subjects were and some were reflective of the story's.
Whilst looking around the university campus the students were inquisitive, asking questions like "why do people go to university?" and "what is the difference between college and university", and "don't you go to the university in the town you grew up in?".
The students were also shown an exhibition of items which are kept in the university archives. These items included a script, photographs of pantomime dames from years gone by, early and political comic strips and items from comedians such as Josie Long and Mark Thomas.
Following lunch at the University the students were transported to UCA where they took part in workshops bringing to life their t-shirts with slogans they had previously designed during their sessions at school. Students left with a project to weave during their own time.
