In order to support your son or daughter’s transition from the Lower Site to the Upper Site, we have organised the following events:
Year 8 Upper Site Experience:
(Group A) Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th June 2022
(Group B) Thursday 30th June and Friday 1st July 2022
Year 8 students will be split into two groups (Group A and B - you should have received a letter specifying which group your child is in) and will each spend two days at the Upper Site, allowing them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the surroundings, routines and facilities. Your son or daughter should arrive at the Upper Site (Marlowe Way) by 8:40am, and will be dismissed from the Upper Site at 3:00pm. Students should be in full school uniform.
Your son or daughter will be met by their current main class teachers, who will be teaching their lessons at the Upper Site over the course of those two days. Lunch arrangements will be exactly the same as on the Lower Site.
Year 8 Transition Day – Thursday 7th July 2022:
On Thursday 7th July, all Year 8 students will be attending the Upper Site to take part in the Year 8 Transition Day. Your son or daughter needs to be in full school uniform and bring their PE kit as they will be taking part in a range of activities. Students are to arrive at the Upper Site at the normal time, 8:40am, and will be dismissed at 3:00pm.
Students should make their own way to and from the Upper Site on these days, but if this poses a problem for you please let the school office know as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
